In the Reformation year 2017 the note boxes will contain quotations from students of Protestant theology. The seven members of the working group, supported by the Professors Rainer Kessler and Wolf-Friedrich Schäufele, have assembled their thoughts and composed quotations on the theme: Antisemitism in the history of Protestantism and Luther’s works with special reference to Luther’s text „Of the Jews and their lies“ from 1543.
Authors of the notes: Studentes of the Protestant Theology and their supporting proffesors (left to right): Stefan Michels, Josefine Haas, Sarah Döbler, Prof. Dr. Rainer Kessler, Sophie Frühwald, Jessica Schleicher, Anna Platalla, Prof. Dr. Wolf-Friedrich Schäufele
The students – Sarah Döbner, Sophie Frühwald, Josephine Haas, Stefan Michels, Anna Platalla, Jessica Schleicher and Maira Rehr – focussed on the meaning, that this could have for their futures as ministers of the Church. It was important for them to make clear that these „dark pages“ should not be allowed to dominate the impression of Luther’s whole work. Thus, in 1523, with the words „That Jesus Christ was born a Jew“ he had taken up for this time a very progressive position.