“A child’s voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen.“
This is one of the quotes chosen by the children’s and young person’s parliament of Marburg (= KiJuPa-Marburg) on September 12th, when they were asked to select just 10 quotes for the notes in boxes (=Zettelkästen) project from children’s and young people’s books.
This project originated as follows:
the so-called “Zettelkästen-Projekt“ came into being in 2012 when members of the Jewish community in Marburg chose statements for the boxes in the Garden of Remembrance which concerned the destruction of this community including its children during the national socialist reign of terror. Each year different organizations have the responsibility to choose the contents of the boxes i.e. the quotes which go into the boxes.
This year the KiJuPa-Marburg have this responsibility and decided at their meeting on September 5th to select their quotes from children’s and young people’s
books. The quotes were not to be chosen because they had some sort of nebulous attractiveness, but because of their connection with tolerance, friendship and openness in the world. Although it was difficult during the initial search to settle upon 10 quotes, the members were still able to agree not only on 50 quotes but also that, at the next formal meeting, they would explain what they found bad and what was good about each quote and why a quote should be included in the top 10. This process proved to be full of tensions and also quite a little fun for the members.
After fully three hours of intense discussion, a system was devised using coloured cards and self-adhesive spots which allowed the KiJuPa-Marburg to fix the ten quotes to fill the boxes in the Garden of Remembrance for this year.
The boxes i.e. Zettelkästen will be first shown publically on November 9th after a ceremony in the Garden of Remembrance.