Fotografie des Garten des Gedenkens in belebter und sonniger Stimmung und vielen roten Blumen um den Platz.


The origin of the ‘Tree of Remembrance’:

The terms in the trunk of the tree represent the associations that people in our organization have with the term ‘remembrance’.

Based on this, the question arose as to whether ‘remembrance’ is to be understood exclusively retrospectively or is also future orientated and how the values in our society can and should be influenced by this confrontation with the Holocaust. The non-exhaustive listing of these values ‘grows’ as branches out of the trunk.

When dealing with these values, it became clear how closely the police are linked to the preservation and protection of these values.

This is how the ground under the trunk was created, which shows the responsible role of the police in society. This basis is important so that liberal values can grow and form an effective shield against any anti-democratic tendencies.

Police Headquarters Marburg-Biedenkopf

Worktree Illustration with the following Words: Thought, Reflect, Courage, etc.